Wednesday, June 23, 2010

lady bug and the tennis bug

what a morning! maria woke up sometime after 4am. i changed her diaper, nursed her her, changed her diaper, gave her a bonus ounce bottle, snuggled with her, played with her very quietly, changed her diaper. she went back to sleep sometime after 6am but by that time i was fully awake. so i got up, emptied the dishwasher (this also  includes the 'getting very old' chore of drying all the bottle parts and assembling the bottles), ate breakfast, took daisy for a long walk, and watered the front yard. all of this early morning activity reminded me of advanced individual training at ft leonard wood. the difference being i went to back to sleep sometime after 8am and slept until about 10:30am. it really hit me today that my time to go back to sleep after an early morning will be coming to an end after the weekend. i've really been enjoying the company of my mother-in-law for the last 8 days. her presence here has been a god-send! i'm very thankful she has been here- i'm not sure how i will manage after she leaves.

maria took a very long nap this afternoon. she goes from a cycle of eating and cat napping to a long sleep cycle and then back to a catnap/ eating cycle. fortunately her long nap came during live coverage of isner v mahut. i can't believe that match has lasted so long! bonnie and i watched it from 11:30-ish until the match was suspended sometime after 3pm. i'm looking forward to (hopefully) watching the conclusion tomorrow. with that being said, i got the tennis bug. i'm feeling like playing again. i'm sure juan will give me a good beat down this weekend because i haven't played since october. oh well- it will feel good to get out and do something.


Juan said...

I can not be defeated. I beat all man. Someday, I will beat a real champion.

Also, I must break you.

- Ivan Drago

Chris said...

The only thing that will be broken is my racquet after I throw it when I lose to you. :)

L said...

Her legs look so incredibly long in that picture! So cute.

Chris said...

I am betting that it will take awhile for her to learn how to walk because her center of balance will be so high.