today you are one month shy of being a year old. the time has gone by so quickly. your personality is growing everyday. your schedule hasn't changed much- sometimes you nap, sometimes you don't. for the most part you sleep all the way through the night unless you are teething. i no longer give you a bottle in the morning and then wait to give you breakfast. you get bottles and meals together at the same time. i haven't been as good about going out on walks so we mostly play inside. you still love daisy although i'm not sure the feeling is mutual. you are working on sprouting some top teeth- right now you got some little nubs.

here are the things you are super into- golf balls, draping things around your neck (your pj's and one of daisy's vet leashes are you favorite), hiding out in small spaces and looking super cute. let us start with the golf balls because this is linked (ha!) to hiding in small spaces. you love hanging out between the futon/ bookcase in the office. that is where you found the golf balls. not only did you dig out all the practice balls but you opened up all of the sealed with plastic, stored in little boxes golf balls. you love rolling them on the ground, crawling with them in your hands, throwing them at daisy, and spreading them all over the house. i have a feeling that we will be finding golf balls for years to come. you love draping things around your neck. we have an extra leash from the vet that you drape along with pants, shirts, jammies- anything that you can drape. you are most happy with a golf ball in each hand, stuff draped around your neck and hanging out in the little space between the wall and your crib. i know- this sounds like real responsible parenting but it makes you happy. you are also obsessed with the following books- if you give a mouse a cookie, the cookie monster book, daddy kisses, curious george opposites, and goodnight moon. you hand these to us at every opportunity.

i'm trying to remember things we did this month and i am totally drawing a blank. i know we hung out with your friend that is a boy- james. your grandma bonnie was here for a week (spring break) and we took you to the rodeo fairgrounds. my parents bought a new house in driftwood so we have seen them a few times. daddy takes you out on weekend shopping/ errands adventures while i am at work. there have been several nights where you were a terrible sleeper- i think that is why my mind is so blank right now.

today we went to opal divine's and had brunch with my cousin candis and her husband patrick. you were mostly good but were ready to go when we left. from there we went to james' first birthday party. you had a lot of fun in his play room but kind of stayed away from the other kids. you had cake and ice cream for the first time. i think you really liked it but you won't be getting any more until next month- for your birthday! you fell asleep on the way home. you were so sleepy we were able to transfer you from your car seat to your crib and you went back to sleep for about an hour. right now you are crawling around the office and hallway with a bag, a silver gift bow and your pink striped jammies.
you are our amazing, funny, curious, healthy, strong little girl and we love you so much.
1 comment:
I love you Maria! All eleven months of you. You are precious.
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