Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bug Life: Month 10

Today Maria is 10 months old!! I think we are celebrating this with her first cold. Poop. Sad face. Yesterday afternoon she started to get a really runny nose and had a slight little cough. By the time night rolled around you had a lot of trouble sleeping. We both took turns rocking you back to sleep. It was a looooong night for us- we are super tired today. I hope you feel better really soon because I'm not sure how long I can deal with snot and no sleep. A couple of nights ago I had to pack away all of your little baby clothes to store them in the attic. You are no longer our little tiny baby.

This month has been a little hectic since I started working part time. It is only 16 hours a week at night and weekends but it is way too much time away from my little girl. This month your first friend moved away. Owen's parents moved to Idaho and took him with them. You weren't totally broken up over the move but we were. You like to touch fingers. You like to hang out in Daisy's dog bed. You like being pulled around in one of your toy tubs. You laugh at the most random things. You have started dancing- sort of. Your dancing consists of you kind of swaying back and forth, smiling and claping your hands or waving them frantically- its ok- you got your dancing ability from your dad. You snuggle a little bit- not really on us- on one of your soft blankets. You show a preference for 3 things now- soft blankets, link from monsters versus aliens (we call him your baby) and a soft fuzzy stuffed hippo. You love your bottle and you can hold your own bottle. Nobody better touch your bottle when you are drinking from it. You crawl all over the house with lightening speed. You pull up on everything and your grabbing range has grown exponentially. You had your first and last Gray family dinner at my parents' old house. They are moving to be closer to us later on this month!

Your typical day starts between 7:30am and 8:30am. You wake up in such a good mood- you play in your crib and make little happy noises. Daddy gets you out, changes your diaper and fixes you a bottle. You are holding the bottle all on your own now. While you drink it down I have breakfast and Daddy gets ready to go to work. When we are done we play in the living room. You are still obsessed with Daddy's work id badge. You cry when Daddy goes to work not because he is gone but because he takes the badge with him. We watch ellen at 9am. I love that show- you mostly just crawl around the living room while I watch it. You have started dancing when music comes on. It is pretty cute. At 10am you get your solid breakfast and then we brush your teeth and get you dressed for the day. We usually go for a walk after that or we run errands or we go to the library. We've been hanging out with Jessica and Vedder on Tuesday and Thursday. You like Vedder even though he pushes you down all the time. You have lunch around 1pm and a bottle around 4pm. Daddy usually comes home at 6pm. You have dinner around 7pm followed up with a bath and then it is bedtime! Your naps occur at different times. Sometimes you nap right after breakfast, sometimes after lunch and sometimes none at all. I don't know how you make it through the day without a nap because you are always moving and wiggling! If you aren't going to fall asleep you will at least hang out in your crib for an extended quiet time.

Today we went for a walk with Jessica and Vedder and then we went to the grocery store.We saw Lynn and James at HEB. We dropped off some books at the library on the way home. Daddy came home from work a little early because you weren't feeling well. We think you are either teething or have your first cold or both. Tonight Daddy bought you a Vicks cool mist humidifier for your room while I was at work. You slept all the way through the night!!!

We love you Maria bug!

ps Daddy finally fixed the middle drawer on changing table!