Monday, January 10, 2011

Bug Life: Month 8

i don't believe it- i'm writing another bug life. seriously- where does the time go? maria you were very busy this month. you had a lot of firsts. your first airplane ride. your first trip out of the state. your first funeral (hopefully the last one for a looooooooong time). you helped daddy celebrate his 36th birthday. you got your first teeth- that was hellish on our sleep. we celebrated your first christmas and new year's. you won't remember the new year celebration because you were totally asleep but i gave you a kiss and put your blanket back on you. you got your first (probably only) high chair. you are picking up and eating little pieces of food now. you are pulling up with confidence now and trying to stand by yourself. you like to bounce when you stand- i think you are trying to dance. you are growing like a weed- we've had to retire so many clothes and jammies because they don't fit you anymore. you are waving at everyone and everything! you love daisy- i caught you pulling her tongue while she was licking you- it was totally hilarious. i love getting you all riled up and laughing- it isn't hard to do these days. you squeal and giggle and grunt and make all kinds of funny little noises with your mouth. you scrunch your face up and make breathy noises. you blow raspberries like nobody's business. you are taking a bath in the real tub- not in your baby tub. i'm not breastfeeding you anymore. daddy dances you to sleep with lady gaga. yes- it cracks me up and no- it doesn't work when i try it.

today you woke up around 7:30am. daddy changed your diaper and fixed you a bottle. he played with you while i got breakfast ready. after breakfast we played on the ground for a little bit. you wanted to follow daddy out the back door when he went to work. it was pretty cute. shortly after that you started crying- a lot. i'm thinking that maybe your top teeth are going to make an appearance soon. right now you are taking a nap and i am very happy about that! it breaks my heart when you cry like you did this morning. i'm sorry that your mouth hurts- i'm doing my very best to get you through teething. you like peaches a lot so i gave you peaches for breakfast this morning. i hope you enjoyed it.

just when i think you have reached maximum cuteness you leap across the threshold. we love you bug.

1 comment:

Bonnie Tyler said...

Amelia, I love your month by month blogs on Maria. They make me laugh. I am sorry that she cried this morning. Happy Birthday little cutie, Love Grandma Bonnie