Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bug Life: Month 2

hi maria- it's your moooooooommmmm! today you are 2 months old! i'm so happy it is today and not 2 months ago!

i had to give up the idea of exclusively breastfeeding. you still get the majority of your food from me but we give you formula too. i have to say, giving you formula really took the pressure off me. your daddy really likes giving you a bottle when he gets home from work. you've been a lot happier since we figured out how much milk you need everyday! 

you've made a lot of progress this month. you've gained weight, you are almost sleeping through the night consistently, you smile, you coo, you reach for things, you are (mostly) holding your head up, you seem to like other people, you don't mind when the dog howls, you travel well in your car seat, and you like to be outside. you still get fussy quite a bit. i'm not very good at picking out your cries- i wish you had an indicator light to tell me what is wrong. if you start to cry i always do a diaper skills check first- you still hate the wet diaper with a passion. if it has been about 2 hours since you ate and your are smacking your lips then i guess you are hungry. if it hasn't been that long and i just changed your diaper then it could be an air bubble and you need to be burped. sometimes i can tell if you are getting bored. i know, floating, dancing monkeys can hold your attention for only so long. you really like being outside. we go for a walk with daisy in the morning before it gets too hot and you look around at everything. you like to sit in the backyard and rock and look at daddy's veggie garden.

this month your grandma bonnie was here for 2 weeks. she took really good care of you. she kind of likes you a little. your aunt monica came to visit too! she loved playing with you and teaching you froggy jumps. she also gave us cool rocking chairs for the backyard. we started taking you out of the house more. the highlights have been rejoining our friends for game night, being in the neighborhood july 4th parade and going to ikea. i tried to meet up with another new mom but the weather was bad and someone ran into her. it has been raining a lot this month so it has been difficult to travel around. we still take turns keeping you at the house if we need to run quick errands- your car seat is cumbersome to get in and out of the car. since you've been holding your head up we started putting you in the baby bjorn so we can eat breakfast and dinner together. i try really hard not to drop food on your head! 

you out grew your little newborn onesies this month. it made me sad to have to take them off the hangers and put them away but you have lots and lots of cute clothes to grow into. every week you fit into something new.

i love watching you grow and learn. you have such big eyes that allow you to see the world. i love that i get to be there when you experience things for the first time. you are very alert and keep me on my toes all day long.  you don't sleep much during the day. sometimes i can't think of anything to do with you so i let you entertain me. you wiggle a lot and your smile is on the verge of turning into a full belly laugh. 

i love you bug (buggy, bugapolis, bugzilla, bugatron, bugabee)- happy 2 month birthday!


1 comment:

Bonnie Tyler said...

What a sweet mommy report.