Monday, July 26, 2010

laughter is the best medicine. . .

super big smilestone- maria laughed out loud this morning! it was super cute and super hilarious. we tried so hard to get her to do it again in camera but she was done. she was bicycle kicking her legs on the changing table- i can't remember what i did but all of a sudden she grinned and then opened her mouth, squealed and then laughed. i hope i can always remember that moment.

the bummer news is that i got an ultrasound of my abdomen- looks like pregnancy has destroyed my gallbladder. i will be meeting with a surgeon sometime tomorrow to get surgery scheduled- it will probably be in the next couple of days. i'm actually feeling pretty nervous about all of this. the sooner i get it over with the better. i'm out of maternity leave on thursday- i guess i will get gallbladder leave? at least i have an answer as to why i've been feeling so crummy lately.

1 comment:

Bonnie Tyler said...

Wow! I'm speachless, but it is better to get that stuff taken care of cause you sure don't want it to get infected. I'll be thinking about you.Lots of love.