Tuesday, July 20, 2010

jim henson's tummy time babies!

i don't really know when this started but i know chris started it. if you add 'jim henson' and end with 'babies' everything is so much cuter! for example- jim henson's poopy babies! yeah!!! (hand clapping with smiling) we've been doing a lot of tummy time with maria. she really seems to like it. she is also getting on a somewhat regular schedule. she wakes up sometime between 6-7am. we go for a walk before 9am. she takes a nap starting sometime around 11am- noon. we spend the rest of the afternoon playing 'jim henson's flying babies' and 'jim henson's tummy time babies' and 'jim henson's mirror babies' and 'jim henson's walking around the yard looking at the plants babies' and finally 'jim henson's yeah! daddy is home babies!'. . . .


Bonnie Tyler said...

That little girl is precious. Look at how stron she it!!!.

Bonnie Tyler said...

Okay let me try this again. That little girl is precious. Look at how strong she is!!! Now maybe you can understand what I said. hmmm.

Bonnie Tyler said...

Let me see if we agree on this. Chris starts everything. You need to lose the lame response if you can and put in something like cute because sometimes it is not exactly funny-- it is touching. And anyway who is going to look at the cute pictures of that sweet baby and check the lame box. It is downright unAmerican.