Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bug Life: Month 12

My little bug is 1 year old today. Wow. I can't believe she is one today. In the last 30 days Maria has been to 2 crawfish boils- one we hosted and the other was at a friend's house. She was pretty ambivalent about the crawfish- hopefully she will be more excited next year. . . One thing we learned after these parties- she loves watermelon. She would probably eat it all day long if we let her but we don't because I fear what her diapers would be like afterward! She also went to her friend that is a boy named James' first birthday party. She had her first taste of cake and ice cream. She loved both of those. We also watched the royal wedding of Will and Kate. Well- maybe it was just her mom that was watching it but Maria did participate by waving at the happy royal couple when they were riding in the carriage and waving. The best party of all was her own party. I always said I wasn't going to have a big party for my kid's first birthday but lately I've been doing a lot of things I said I was never going to do. The party was in our backyard and all of her little friends we in attendance. You can read all the details in the blog. (After I write it. . . ) Her accomplishments this month mostly center around food- she is a lot more interested in self feeding. She has also moved on to whole milk- no more formula! She loves watermelon and chicken. She mimics a lot. She likes to wave. She loves putting things into things- ie putting golf balls into shoes, bath tub, on the sofa, etc. . .

I guess this leads us to her actual birthday. Chris took today off from work and we went to Disneyworld! No- just joking we went to the pediatrician for her 12 month check up. Her official stats are 28 1/2 inches long and 20 lbs 6 oz. She is right around the 50th percentile in weight and length. After the doc's office we went to Zilker Park and rode the Zilker Zephyr. She was pretty worn out from screaming and crying after getting shots so she mostly slept through the whole train ride. We came home, ate lunch and she took the longest nap I think she has ever taken! She woke up about 5pm-ish and played with all of her new toys. She had a special dinner of milk, green vegetable dinner, watermelon and a little piece of birthday cake. afterwards we went for a little stroll in the neighborhood. She got a bath and surprisingly enough went right to sleep.

We love you little Maria bug! Heres to many, many, many more birthday celebrations!

Monday, May 9, 2011

the day after

today was much better than yesterday. maria was feeling all better- kid illnesses are weird- here today, gone tomorrow.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

happy mother's day- barf

so this would be my first mother's day. i was looking forward to a nice breakfast in bed. what i got was a sick kid with a temperature of 103.8F and barfed on. oh the joys of motherhood. you'd think that at some point there would be a picture taken of me with maria. guess what? she fell asleep on chris and this is the only picture that was taken.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Maria's super sweet first birthday party

We had a great time having her party in the backyard.  We spent all week getting ready for it and all spring fixing up the back yard! All of her little friends were there, some of her cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and of course us. There was food, swimming, horseshoes, sidewalk chalk drawing, water table playing, cake, presents and party favors.