Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bug Life: Month 5

wow! maria you are 5 months old today!! what a month it has been! you had some big accomplishments. you are rolling over and eating solid food now. you are really good at grabbing things and picking them up. you are very vocal- laughing, cooing, squealing, blowing raspberries. you kick and wiggle so much. you have gotten so strong- i think you might start crawling any day now! speaking of mobility, you have been travelling! we went to waco, houston, all around austin and out to marble falls. you have met a ton of relatives and friends. we started going to the library and getting together with other moms/ babies. we got a deck built across the back of the house so we can sit outside and rock and enjoy the backyard. you still love being outside. we go for walks with daisy almost every morning. you love looking up through the trees and listening to the birds.

you are still sleeping in our room in the pack n' play. i would move you to your room but i love waking up to your little squeals and coos in the morning. we mostly have a night time routine down. we feed you a solid food about 7:30pm and then give you a bath. we play for about 10 minutes in the bath and then get you dried off and lotioned up. we play a little bit and then i feed you one last time. you always fall asleep when i feed you. i like watching you sleep- you look so sweet and peaceful.

we love you maria bug!


Bonnie Tyler said...

Happy 5 month Birthday Maria! You are growing up so quickly. I love you! Grandma

Bonnie Tyler said...

Watch out Daisy at Mria Bug is sneaking up on you. Grandma