Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

First and foremost, today is the first day where Bug finally figured out how to open up her mouth to get a proper latch. Previously, Amelia would have to wait for Maria to start to scream. Generally, Bug's lips were held too tightly to attempt to get a decent latch. The net result is that she isn't screaming as much during each feeding, which is better for both mom and baby.

Today, twice Maria decided to pee while we were in the in between state of changing a diaper. I now change her diaper like a NASCAR pit crew. I have learned that speed matters, especially because I don't like having to clean up the mess.

Her second accident led to a Maria first. Bug got her first real bath today. She definitely liked it much more than the sponge baths that she was getting.

We celebrated Memorial day in the traditional way. My brother Tony cooked some burgers and our friends Mike and Angie came over to eat with us.

It has been a good day.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

She must be eating more

Maria had her first blow out of a diaper this morning. I don't want to dwell on the disgusting, but I view this as a positive sign. If she is making more poop then she must be getting more food and therefore must be putting on weight.
In less disgusting news, my brother an mom have come into town for Memorial weekend. Tony has been doing a great job as an uncle. He went out and got donuts and breakfast tacos for us this morning. Amelia and I get so fixated on taking care of Maria that we usually forget to take care of ourselves. Tony flew out from LA and has really helped us on what is his only vacation time.
Tony works at Dreamworks Animation as a technical director. He just finished up Shrek 4 and has rolled onto a new movie, which prevents him from being able to take much time off. We really appreciate him coming into town to see his niece.
Amelia is beginning to feel herself again. She got to go outside today and work in the yard. I am glad that she likes to working the flower beds because it is one of my least favorite things.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Curious Maria Goes to The Doctor

We went to the pediatrician today. I hate taking Maria to the pediatrician. First, even though there is a sick and a well child waiting room, invariably in the well waiting room there is a child coughing up a lung. I am a bit of a germaphobe and so with every hack I am sure that my new born is going to catch the plague.

When we get called back they have to weigh Maria naked. Amelia is awesome about getting Maria undressed, but I really suck at it and for some reason I always end up being the one that is holding her come weighing time. The scales at the office are ancient (I mean they look like they are out of the 70's) and they are not calibrated, which means we have to weigh Maria twice. Wisking a naked new born between scales is not the easiest feat, especially given that Maria likes to pee when she get a blast of cold air. Most of the time we are sucessful in avoiding an accident, but we failed once and I got a really dirty look from the nurse. I was only able to shrug and say "Woops".
The scales always give two answers that are significantly different so either Maria is 7lbs 4 ounces (which is way down from her birth weight of 7lbs 15 ounces) or she is 7 lbs 7 ounces (which is down but all that bad).
They should move into the 21st century and buy a digital scale.

Short of the addition of a diaper, Maria kept naked for the appointment, which makes her extremely fussy. We haven't introduced her to a pacifier yet, but I do let her suck on my pinky. Of course I am so skeeved about being in a doctor's office that generally afraid to let her comfort suck on my finger without washing my hands several times.

The one positive is that our Doc, Mike Ward is extraordinarily calm. His zen master calm seems to transfer well to Maria. The time with the doc isn't bad, generally. This visit he has asked us to begin supplementing with formula for a couple of weeks. It isn't our preferred mechanism, but really right now we are very concerned about Maria's weight.

Worst of all for Maria, three of our four visits have ended with a heel stick to draw blood for different tests. It really sets our child off and I don't blame her because it looks very unpleasant. I keep telling myself that someday these visits won't be so upsetting and while we are there I try to put on my calm persona, but it really wears me out.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I've got no strings

Today was a big day for our little Maria bug. This morning I was changing her diaper, when I noticed that she was missing one of her pieces. Her umbilical cord had fallen off. Now she gets to enjoy the world of real baths, instead of the crumby sponge baths.

We take her back to the Pediatrician's office tomorrow for another weigh in. It feels like we are being called in to the Principal's office. We have made a concerted effort to get her weight up without turning to formula, so we shall see how it goes.

I am still doing my "open wide" exercises with her, but to what effect, I am not sure. One can only wonder at what is going through her mind when I am making that face at her.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weight Gainer 3000

Today's adventure in parenting involved going to a Lactation Consultant. Our little Maria bug is not putting on the lbs like she should so we set up an appointment with the best lactation consultant in town.

The lady was very nice and had a proper English accent. The room that she did her consult in was very Cotswold, with flowered wallpaper. It was a bit like having Mary Poppins lecturing you on the proper latch and suckle.

We came out of it with two pieces of knowledge. First, Maria does not like to open her mouth wide. Second, there is not enough milk being produced to have her gain weight.

My homework is to sit with bug while she is alert and open my mouth and say "Open Wide". I have been doing that quite a bit with her. I got tired of just saying the words and making the face, so now I add an "Awwww" while I have my mouth open as if I were having my tonsils checked. I don't think I am making any headway, but the consultant said it would take a couple of days. We will see.

In order to boost production Amelia had to rent a pump. Whatever Amelia gets out of the pump we will feed to Maria.

At this point we are willing to do anything to get her to gain some weight.

Like Cold Play once crooned "Nobody said it was easy, but nobody said it would be this hard".

Hopefully, she will go from a 7lb 3 ounce weakling to an 8 lb behemoth.

Beefcake!!! Beefcake!!! - Eric Cartman