Thursday, May 27, 2010

I've got no strings

Today was a big day for our little Maria bug. This morning I was changing her diaper, when I noticed that she was missing one of her pieces. Her umbilical cord had fallen off. Now she gets to enjoy the world of real baths, instead of the crumby sponge baths.

We take her back to the Pediatrician's office tomorrow for another weigh in. It feels like we are being called in to the Principal's office. We have made a concerted effort to get her weight up without turning to formula, so we shall see how it goes.

I am still doing my "open wide" exercises with her, but to what effect, I am not sure. One can only wonder at what is going through her mind when I am making that face at her.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

We get no photos of Maria, but we get a picture of that nastiness. Aww, man.