Friday, July 27, 2012

Calvin future Olympian

The Olympic Opening ceremonies were today. How better to celebrate the best athletes in the world coming together, than to sit on the couch eating pizza.  The opening ceremony got various reviews from the Tyler's, Amelia did not much care for them. I (Chris) thought they were as culturally relevant as the  Beijing ceremonies.  Whereas the Chinese made the statement "We are up and coming", the Brits said that "We are responsible for culture".  I did think that Danny Boyle should have gone with John Cleese over Rowan Atkinson as the comedy relief.

 The only Tyler that got any exercise tonight was Cal who happily bounced with wild abandon in his exersaucer.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Calvin at 6 months

Calvin is half a year old today. He went to the doctor and is 50% in height, weight and head size, which we like to refer to as perfectly average. As a parting gift the doctor gave him 3 shots and he handled them like a champ. Although later on in the day it got real emotional in the Tyler household as both Maria and Cal fought taking a nap.

Cal has begun to eat solids, his favorite is peas with carrots and corn, but he has tried squash, zucchini, peaches and sweet potatoes. He is truly a Tyler in that he can always eat. This month he has begun to verbalize and regularly seems to want to talk to us.  Cal has moved to the bathtub for his bath and still finds anything Maria does hilarious.

Happy half year birthday, little man!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

You got served

So far two has been a fun age.  Maria does have moments where she can be a real terror and we do experience the rolling on the ground screaming fit a little more often than we would like.  For all the frustrating moments there are ones like this where she decides to put a swim diaper on her head and dance. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Maria at the playground

Every Tuesday Maria and I go out for daddy daughter night.  Most of the time we do something that needs to be done for the family and then we do something fun.  This week we went to home depot and then out to a park and then to Mandola's where she got some mint chocolate chip gelato.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Maria is ready for her basketball scholarship

Today we got on Craig's List and found an exersaucer for Calvin.  His favorite thing in the world is to bounce.  While it is a good arm workout, he is nearly 18 pounds so we decided to let him do his bouncing as a leg workout for himself.  We found a family that was selling the model that we wanted and they also were selling a play set.  Maria doesn't really have anything like a slide at the house so we purchased both and the video below is Maria enjoying her new play set.

P.S.  Calvin spent an hour happily bouncing in his exersaucer.

So close to crawling

It seems that Cal is very much like his sister in that he wants to get moving by crawling.  He is doing a great job of holding himself up when his sister isn't pushing him down.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Singing and dancing

I believe the answer to sustainable renewable energy source must be associated with a two year old.  After a pizza dinner Maria bounces and sings for the camera.  I love the look Cal is giving her in the background.