Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bug Life: Month 3

hi buggy! today you are 3 months old!

what a month it has been. you are sleeping all the way through the night, you are holding your head up, grabbing for things, you want to sit up but you aren't there yet and you drool- a lot!!! you love playing bee and teddy bear blanket with daddy in the morning before he goes to work. we took you swimming at the neighborhood pool a few times. you seem to like the water- at least you don't dislike it.

you have grown so much! you are now wearing size 2 diapers. we had to retire a bunch of your little onesies and jammies. it was difficult to pack away the jammies because you are so cute in them. even though it was hard to pack away the old clothes, the new bigger clothes as so cute and plentiful! you pretty much wear something new every day!

we have established a bedtime routine for you- around 9pm-ish we change your diaper and put you in jammies and then you get a warm bottle of milk. we give you a bath on tuesday and friday nights. we've made it to a couple of monday game nights and you did a great job of letting us play with our friends.

i went back to work july 30 so your grandma bonnie has been taking care of you during the day. it was hard for me to go back to work but knowing that your grandma is here made it easier. i only lasted a week at work because i had to get my gall bladder taken out- that happened yesterday. i haven't been able to hold you at all today and it makes me sad but i am happy that you got to spend the day with your dad and grandparents!

we love you buggy!
- mom and dad

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