Saturday, July 24, 2010

swimming is the best medicine. . .

last night was pretty rough- not because maria kept us awake- it was my gallbladder (we think). if  pregnancy has not been cruel enough to my body then add on wrecking havoc with my gallbladder. i spent all morning at the austin regional clinic weekend office. the good news is that my blood work showed no signs of infection so i should live long enough to see the doc during regular hours and possible get a sonogram or some other kind of imaging done on my gallbladder. until then, no spicy food and no fatty food.

tonight we took maria to the neighborhood pool. we hung out in the pee pool with her. she looked pretty cute in her surfer shirt but the water diaper and plastic pants are just down right embarrassing. hahahha! we had a lot of fun- i can't believe we have lived here 4 years and have never been to the pool. there were only a handful of people there! chris stayed with her and i swam a few laps. i forgot what a workout swimming is! hopefully we can get to the pool more often before it closes. we took a waterproof camera that we bought when we went to iceland 3 years ago- i'm not sure if any of the pictures will turn out. it was really weird using a camera with film- i hated not having the big digital screen on the back and seeing the picture right after it was taken! it might take us awhile before we get the film developed. ..

well, i don't have maria pic to post today. she is already asleep and i think i am not too far behind her.

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