Tuesday, July 6, 2010

baby bjorn (again)

why did it take us so long to figure this out???

the burp rag is tucked into the bjorn because i just fed her- if there was going to be spit up i didn't want it on my food!

i got a little paranoid about dropping food on her head so i used a napkin.

after we were done eating dinner, we threw the leftovers in the fridge and the dishes in the sink and went for a walk. i was shocked by what a work out it is to walk with her in the baby bjorn. then i was thinking- i still have 10 pounds to lose- she is really close to 10 pounds- this is the extra weight i am carrying. i think i need to walk with her in the bjorn all the time!


Bethany said...

It's cute that you're still concerned about dropping food on her. Keep using the Bjorn...you'll get over it : )

Bonnie Tyler said...

Just think back in May you didn't have to figure things like this out. Ten pounds woohoo!