Tuesday, July 13, 2010


today was maria's 2 month check up with the pediatrician. she weighed in at 10 pounds 2 ounces, 22 inches long (although i think she it longer because the nurse didn't really stretch her legs out all the way) and her head is 37cm. she is a little on the small side but the doc says she is strong and healthy. she got her first round of vaccinations. she took the oral vaccination just fine but the shots are a whole 'nuther story. if she wasn't the loudest, screaming baby today then i feel bad for the nurse that has to hear it all day long! maria had big baby tears running down her cheeks. it broke my heart. it took at least 15 minutes to get her calmed down enough to put her in the car seat. this was the first time i heard her sniffling and whimpering after a meltdown. she was actually wrapping her arms around my neck and clinging on like never before. i made it through her getting the shots although i have to admit i got a little teary eyed on the drive home. i hated seeing her so upset and hurt but i'd rather her get shots than get sick. chris made a run up to target after he got home from work to get some baby acetaminophen. we gave her a dose when he got back and a dose again before she went to sleep for the night. she wasn't as fussy as i thought she would be.

1 comment:

Bonnie Tyler said...

You guys are great parents. I'm teary eyed just reading about it. I'm sure that being proactive with the asperin-like stuff really helped. I miss that little cutie.