Friday, July 30, 2010

Back to Work

Today was Amelia’s first day back to work and subsequently my return to blogging about the family. It is funny, last night I think Amelia felt like it was the first day of school after summer break. She and I have drawn up a schedule where she goes to work at 7:30 AM and I go to work at 10:00 AM. The idea being that the Grands that are helping watch Maria will at most have to cover five hours.

Maria had been waking up at 6:30, but decided to wake up at 7:30 this morning so Amelia did not get to see Bug awake before she went into the office. I am sure that did not set Amelia’s day off in the right direction.

I spent the morning in the same way that I always do. She got her bottle and then we go outside to do our “chores”. The chores being me holding bug, while I water our vegetable garden. When we finish our chores we go and sit in the awesome outdoor rocking chairs that Amelia’s sister Monica gave us.

When we have grown tired of being outside we go to bug’s room where I put her on her play mat and we play bug games until she decides that she is ready for a morning nap. She takes a little Cat Nap and I take my morning shower.

Maria saw her shadow this morning, while we were rocking outside.  She kept trying to grab it.  I am not sure if this means that we are going to have 6 more weeks of summer :)

This morning I made sure to take a picture of the Bug and sent it to Amelia. I know that it makes my day brighter when I get random phone pictures from Amelia. I went with my mom on Bug’s morning walk so that she could get the lay of the land.

Amelia spent her day doing administrivia tasks including, joy of joys, taking a defensive driving course that TXDOT requires. This was not your typical “Comedy Defensive Driving”, instead to hear Amelia tell it, the course had a narrator doing his best to talk as slowly as possible to ensure that the time requirement was met, or to bore the class into a coma (which ever happens first!).

Grandma Tyler did a great job of taking care of Maria during the day. At four Amelia returned home and got her Bug time. Secretly, I think she is jealous of the time that I am getting to spend with Maria and of course I gloat about how great it is.

Dinner was at Texadelphia, my mom and I got greasy burgers (their guacamole burger is probably my favorite burger in Austin) and poor Amelia had to eat a turkey sandwich. There were at least three other people there with babies at the restaurant. It made me wonder if there is a mini baby boom going on.

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