someone passed out while drinking and this time it wasn't me!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
maria's new bed
maria has decided she likes daisy's dog bed more than daisy likes it. i can't believe we spent all that money on a crib when a dog bed would serve the same purpose! ;)
2 seconds after i took this picture she conked her head on the floor. here she is with chris- tears, blankie, and pacifier.
2 seconds after i took this picture she conked her head on the floor. here she is with chris- tears, blankie, and pacifier.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
hanging out in the crib
here are some pix of maria. she was just hanging out in her crib.
the scrape in her cheek is not from crawling through the doggie door. it came from bonking her head on a little bookcase when she fell on it. the bruise on her forehead came from the deck hitting her head when she plowed through the doggie door. yeah- it was one of those days.
the scrape in her cheek is not from crawling through the doggie door. it came from bonking her head on a little bookcase when she fell on it. the bruise on her forehead came from the deck hitting her head when she plowed through the doggie door. yeah- it was one of those days.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Bug Life: Month 9
alright- i have to end the practice of starting these posts with "i can't believe you are another month older- where did the time go?". but just one more time- omg- you are 9 months old??? when did this happen?? this marks the "you've been out longer than you were in" milestone! you continue to grow everyday. it seems like every week i am having to pack away more of your little clothes. . .
your firsts this month included attending your first texas women's basketball game, your first trip to zilker park to ride the train, your first superbowl/ going away party and your first snow fall. your grandparents have been visiting a lot lately because they are in the process of buying a house closer to us! we are all very excited about them moving! unfortunately you went to another funeral- my cousin ronnie passed away. you were really great during the service except for when you farted super loud during taps. i was so embarrassed!!!!! the other sad news this month is that your little friend owen is moving to idaho. we are bummed that our game night friends are moving away. at least we can go visit them during august when we can't take the texas heat anymore! you are crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. you have gotten to be a very fast crawler and you like to explore the house. your favorite spots are by any door- including the doggie door- which you crawled through the other day. you love pulling books off shelves- it is your new favorite past time.
your typical day hasn't changed much- you wake up around 8am-ish. we change your diaper, give you a bottle and daddy hangs out with you so i can have breakfast. lately we've been watching ellen in the morning after daddy goes to work. i give you breakfast around 10am and get you dressed for the day. normally you take a nap after that- around 11am-ish to 1pm-ish. i give you a bottle when you wake up and we play for the rest of the afternoon. we've haven't been going on regular walks because it has been so cold outside. i keep thinking the weather is going to warm up but it keeps getting colder! you get another bottle around 4pm. sometimes you take a little nap in the afternoon- most of the time you don't. we give you dinner around 7pm and a bath afterward. occasionally you go right to sleep after that but lately you have been staying up until close to 9pm. you decided that you don't like daddy to dance you to sleep anymore. we are trying to figure out how to get you to sleep at night now. it seems like the best thing is to put you in your crib and let you fall asleep on your own. you have a thick pink fuzzy blanket with satin edges that you absolutely love to snuggle up with. i think you have also grown attached to a fuzzy purple hippo.
today was a fun morning. i decided to run some errands since you were not going to take a nap. the first stop was babies r us to pick up a crib rail protector because you have been chewing on the rail. i had a whole list of errands to run but guess what? we saw lynn and james! lynn and i decided to go out for lunch instead of run errands. it was a lot more fun than dropping off books at the library and going to the grocery store! you eventually fell asleep in your car seat while we were eating. we came home after lunch and you got a diaper change and a bottle and finally fell asleep for a real nap! starting tonight you get some special maria/ daddy hang out time because i am going to start a part time job! it is only for a couple of months and only at night/ weekends. i can now say i have worked for every mapping company in austin! the newest place is right on front of the neighborhood. i hope you are really, really good for daddy- he loves your smiles and giggles!
we love you little maria bug.
your typical day hasn't changed much- you wake up around 8am-ish. we change your diaper, give you a bottle and daddy hangs out with you so i can have breakfast. lately we've been watching ellen in the morning after daddy goes to work. i give you breakfast around 10am and get you dressed for the day. normally you take a nap after that- around 11am-ish to 1pm-ish. i give you a bottle when you wake up and we play for the rest of the afternoon. we've haven't been going on regular walks because it has been so cold outside. i keep thinking the weather is going to warm up but it keeps getting colder! you get another bottle around 4pm. sometimes you take a little nap in the afternoon- most of the time you don't. we give you dinner around 7pm and a bath afterward. occasionally you go right to sleep after that but lately you have been staying up until close to 9pm. you decided that you don't like daddy to dance you to sleep anymore. we are trying to figure out how to get you to sleep at night now. it seems like the best thing is to put you in your crib and let you fall asleep on your own. you have a thick pink fuzzy blanket with satin edges that you absolutely love to snuggle up with. i think you have also grown attached to a fuzzy purple hippo.
we love you little maria bug.
Friday, February 4, 2011
for all those in the northern states laughing and rolling your eyes at us- whatevs! this is a pretty rare occurrence for us so we make the most of it. (only if it lasts just a few hours)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
imma bee
yes- this was part of daisy's halloween costume from a couple of years ago. maria has made it her own.
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