Hey Calvin- today you are 1 month old!!! Yeah!!! So far you have been mostly a good baby but your cry is like nails on a chalk board. You like to be held- a lot- I mean- a lot, a lot. Maria is super sweet to you and I hope that continues. She really likes putting things on you while you are in your swing. She also likes to pat you but she isn't always so gentle. We have to keep an eye on her when she is with you. I'm trying to remember all the things you have done in your first month of life because believe it or not we haven't just been sitting around the house like we did when Maria was born. You've been out shopping with us on multiple occasions.

Since we are having such a mild winter we go out on walks whenever we can. You are ok with being outside but you really like bouncy stroller rides or riding in the car. On February 11 we had big family gathering at Nanna and Gramps' house in Driftwood to celebrate Nanna's birthday. You met all your cousins and aunts and uncles on my side of the family for the first time. You've even met some of our friends! You eat like a maniac and sleep quite a bit. You wake up about every 2-3 hours during the night to eat. Daddy wakes up with you to change your diaper and I feed you. This is all kind of a blur to me because of the lack of sleep. My parents took Maria for one night and we only had you at the house. Wow- what an easy night that was! Having just one child is so much easier than 2! We love you Calvin but please take it easy on the crying because it is seriously loud and annoying.
daddy gave your first bath! |
our little soccer hooligan! |
happy birthday nanna! |