Thursday, November 11, 2010

well it's my birthday too!

today i turned 35. omg- where has the time gone??? for the first time i'm no longer feeling so young and spry! don't get me wrong- i'm not feeling old but i'm not exactly in the prime of my youth anymore. to mark this magical passing of time, i convinced chris to take the day off from work and go geocaching. we spent the better part of the day solving the clues for gc2b034. it was a lot of fun and i really appreciate everyone who worked to build this cache. so the other big present was chris and maria gave me the new ipod touch! i totally love have a forward and backward camera and all the other apps! i'm sure that over the next few days i will be bombarding my facebook/ twitter account with easily taken and uploaded maria pix! as if my day of birth couldn't get any happier- chris made me a snoopy cake. he used a cake pan from my grandmother's collection. i totally love him. this was the first time in a long time that i really felt like celebrating a birthday. i really had a wonderful day. i think maria might have had a little bit to do with it. . . . :)


Bonnie Tyler said...

Wow, what a great birthday. She gets cuter and cuter every day.

Bonnie Tyler said...

Great Cake!!!