we spent christmas eve playing guitar hero and rock band. with the exception of tony, we were all a little shy at the beginning. after i warbled out my first song we all loosened up a little and ended up playing for about 3 hours. i have all the respect in the world now for bands that put on shows!

thanks to the singing talent of bonnie and cassie, this was the highest score of the night!

even with all our warbling, the dogs managed to stay passed out on the chair and sofa.
here is tony failing in about 2 seconds. he was playing a song by dragonforce on expert.
Christmas is over. NEXT!
Now I'm starting to worry.
Now that I know you're alive and well, I will begin my pestering again. New photos. New info. DO it.
love of God
We're going to make to Christmas in July, aren't we?
We've finally done it. Christmas in July.........
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