Sunday, July 27, 2008

okay okay- here is a post

so, yes, it has been a while since we last communicated. what have we done since rock band on christmas eve?

in february we went to l.a. to see tony for a couple of days. while he was working we went to joshua tree national park and palm springs. i loved palm springs! we stayed in a really fun motor court hotel that had been completely redone. i'm telling you- stay away from the big chains and look for those little gems!

in march we replaced the fence in our backyard that has been getting progressively closer to the ground. by we, i mean chris and i built a brand new fence, about 100 feet long. it might not be the straightest but we built it and we are proud of it. we also put out a lot of new mulch in the flower beds.

in april my grandmother died. that was pretty tough. her funeral was something else though- absolutely gorgeous. i think there were well over 200 people attending the service with more than 70 flower/ plant arrangements. the drive from the funeral home to the cemetery was something i will never forget- the weather could not have been nicer and all the spring wildflowers were in full bloom. we all honked and waved as we drove by my grandparents house (something we have always done.) we finished off the day by hanging out around a bonfire and making smores. i have to admit, it made me re-evaluate how i am living my life. also in april, we brought back the tyler family crawfish boil. however, this year we added our next door neighbors and renamed it red stone crawfest. it was a big hit with everyone else on our block and will be back next year by popular demand!

in may, i had uterine polyps removed (again, for the third time.) this is really putting a damper on having kids but hopefully we are on track (again). we also finished out the side yard by extending flower beds and building a crushed granite walkway. my mom has added at least a dozen plants or more to the flower beds. so far, they are mostly still alive!

in june our credit card number was stolen. someone decided to book themself a nice little vacation at our expense. fortunately,i caught it the same day and all the charges were erased. we had a to get new cards which meant some of our autpay bills didn't get paid. . . . we are all caught up now and everything has been updated. we also spent a weekend in san antonio meeting and hanging out with the hosts of my favorite podcast, podcacher. a good time was had by all.

july- i went caching with some new geocaching friends that i met in san antonio. we also nerded it up at the "video games live" concert at the new long performing arts center (formly known as the mistake by the lake). the austin symphony played the music of video games both new and old and was hosted by 2 of the leading video game music composers. that leads me up the to this weekend. chris and i have both had a bout a food poisoning. we are on the mend but i seriously thought i was dying at several points yesterday.

pretty sad that half the year can be summed up in just a few paragraphs. that's all folks.


Bethany said...

Wow, by putting all of that into one post, it's quite the emotional roller coaster. Glad you found your password.

Congratulations on your crooked fence.

tyler family said...

i love that crooked fence!