Sunday, December 12, 2010

em-eye-ess-ess-eye-ess-ess-eye-pee-pee-eye part 2

today was super duper cold and super duper windy. i don't have many pictures because we were too cold to take any. the highlights of the day were my dad driving us to the house he grew up in, around campus (including eckie's pond) and around starkville. the house he grew up in is no longer the house he grew up in. my grandmother sold it to the university and it is now the 'student life center'. i'm not sure what the inside looks like but the outside has been extensively remodeled- i would have to say not for the better. we made a quick stop at eckie's pond. it was a lot smaller than i remember. all of the trees and thick vegetation around it had been removed. it didn't look horrible but i liked it better when it was a little overgrown. campus has grown by leaps and bounds. there were a lot of new buildings. fortunately miss. state has done a really nice job of keeping a uniform and consistent look to the campus. you can tell the original buildings from the old ones but only because the new ones are really clean. we drove by the first house my grandparents lived in when they first got to starkville. it was very, very tiny. kind of romantic and cozy when you think of it in nostaligic terms but highly impractical for today!

after seeing the sites we went back to the hotel and took a little afternoon nap. at 3:30pm we went to the family viewing and the public visitation for my grandmother. i'm not saying the funeral home did a bad job but she didn't really look like herself. death really changes how a person looks. after the viewing we had a big family dinner at the veranda. it was really nice to have a formal meal with everyone. my grandmother was always all about formalities.

we kind of turned in early but i did hang out in the lobby to wait my sister and her family to arrive. the gray unit felt complete once they arrived.

1 comment:

Bonnie Tyler said...

That is the sweetest picture of Chris and Maria that I've ever seen. Love you guys. Bonnie and Cassie