Tuesday, December 7, 2010


lima beans. ice cream. drinking tea in the sunroom. ice cream. the 2 volume, hardbound box set of the oxford english dictionary complete with a little drawer for a magnifying glass. red brick and white painted trim. pecans. ice cream. brown lazy boy recliner. lincoln logs. ice cream. the secret garden. proper english. straight backs and table manners. ice cream. sac and save. feeding the ducks at eckie's pond. mississippi state. ice cream. picking up sticks in the yard. tiddly winks. national geographic magazines. ice cream. uncle melvin's leg cast. ice cream.

those are my childhood memories i have of my grandmother and her house in mississippi. despite the physical distance from her, i never felt too far away just because i have some some very 'kelly' and 'gray' personality traits. i hope she has been reunited with all the others in her life that have moved on- especially my grandfather. we love you and we'll miss you granna.

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