Sunday, June 27, 2010

all aboard

this morning we had to say goodbye to grandma bonnie- it was time for her to go back home. i had a grand plan of waking up early and making breakfast and we would all go to the train station to see her off, however, maria decided to stay awake half the night. needless to say my plan failed and chris drove her up to the station. she's been taking the train from ft worth to austin. she gets a good deal on the ticket plus she doesn't have to drive! we've enjoyed her company these past 2 weeks and we'll miss all of her help.

i know bonnie will be missing maria so here are some cute pix to help her get through the day!

1 comment:

Bonnie Tyler said...

Thank you for a beautiful visit and for letting me get to know Maria. I love the pictures. Love you all, Bonnie