Saturday, June 26, 2010

dirty, dirty south

today we (chris) moved 5 yards of dirt. yeah- we're tired.

we woke up around 6:30am to get started before it got really hot. ok- make that 7:30am. it took an hour to get maria fed, changed and happy and to get us fed and awake. while bonnie and i worked on that, chris finished putting down weed block and got a couple of cart loads of crushed granite out. i joined him shortly after 8:30am. chris shoveled, carted and dumped and i spread. it took about 2 hours to get 2 yards of crushed granite spread around the veggie garden. bonnie was able to come out help once maria was asleep. it was really cool to see corner of our backyard transform from dirt patch and weeds to looking professionally landscaped!

no rest for the weary- when the granite was done it was on to mulch. 3 yards of mulch. we got a lot of it done and just when we thought we couldn't finish it, our next door neighbor came over and helped us finish it up. chris was very thankful for taylor's help. i really don't think it would have gotten finished with out his help. we used the rest of the granite to freshen up the walkway we made a couple of years ago. we got 2 wheelbarrows of mulch spread out in the front yard. note to self- when we re-mulch next spring we need 5 yards of mulch!

thankfully we were totally done by 12:30- before it was super blazing hot. the problem with being pregnant in the spring is that you can't get any yard work done and you have to wait until the hot texas summer to get started. so i don't know which is worse- yard work in the summer or being pregnant in the summer. i guess this was only one day of yard work versus days or weeks of being preggers so i'll take the yard work.

unfortunately, chris wrenched his back shoveling crushed granite. he was down for the rest of the day but bonnie, maria and i went outside to admire the landscaping every hour or so- just to make sure it was all still there!


Bonnie Tyler said...
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Bonnie Tyler said...

What a sweet picture of little Maria and Daddy. Good thing Mommy was ther to take such a cute photo.