this morning bonnie and i watched the conclusion of isner v mahut. what a match for the ages! maria mostly stayed asleep although she did raise hers arms above her head when bonnie and i celebrated isner's win. i got some housework done after the marathon match was over. our neighbor jessica and her son came over for a little bit. maria was awake for a while during their visit. after they left i got us ready to go to the dentist. it is getting a little easier to get her packed up in the car. i think i have every on-the-go baby essential packed in the diaper bag but it hasn't been tested yet. everytime we go somewhere with her she stays asleep. i guess i should enjoy this time and really try to get out of the house with her while she is 'easy' to carry. she slept the whole time chris and i were at the dentist. good news- no cavities! bad news- we both got the weird dentist. he isn't horrible, he just likes to repeat the same jokes over and over again. i don't know how his hygienist doesn't pull her hair out and quit! i have a little video to post that shows a nice maria smile at the end. it takes awhile for videos to upload so i'm going to do it as a separate post.

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