Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thank heaven for Grandparents

I missed a day on the blog because I finally decided to listen to the advice of the nurses at Seton, "if the baby is asleep you should be asleep". Maria went to bed at 9 last night and so did I. The 9 o'clock hour is usually when I write, thus no blog.

Amelia's parents came into town yesterday and it was a god send. With
their arrival Amelia has had a little down time. They have really helped us out, especially in the meal department. We get so fixated on our Bug that we don't do a very good job of taking care of ourselves. The grands have given us some wonderful meals and even better company. Plus, Amelia's dad helped fix our garage door which has plagued us with jams, since we bought the joint.

On the Maria front, today she has been really fussy. She woke up and fed and then decided to have an explosive accident. We cleaned up the mess and then I headed off to work. The joys of parenting. Later in the day Amelia broke the breast pump that we had just bought yesterday. We passed on the product replacement plan, we are so smart. Luckily, Medela hooked us up with a replacement part that will be here in the next couple of days at no charge.

There was a lot of inconsolable crying from Maria this afternoon. Daisy decided that she was tired of the crying and hid underneath the coffee table. Grandpa finally got her to settle down and take an afternoon nap.

When I got home from work Maria was asleep and we enjoyed a nice family dinner together. When she woke up we went on a little walk.

While the day started a little rough we muddled our way through with the help of our family.


Bethany said...

Eww. Did the motor go out on your pump? If so, it happens and Medela is (and will continue to be) great about quickly sending out new parts. You shouldn't worry about not getting the protection plan. Your pump is covered for a full year. And neither the protection plan nor your warranty will cover you if you decide to have more kids. pump is currently living on the edge. Viva la pump.

tyler family said...

i totally broke off the little nubs that the tubes plug into. like a new mom that doesn't want to walk across the room and get the tubes that came with the pump, i used the tubes from the hospital grade pump. when i was done and putting stuff away, i tried to zip up the front and the ends of the hospital tubes are too long and broke the nubs when i shoved everything into the front pouch. medela was super great about replacing the part- hopefully it will get here tomorrow.